Monday, September 3, 2012

Letter from Elder Rife~September 3, 2012

So much stuff happened last week! I've gotta write fast though so here we go!

Last Tuesday we had temple day and we got to see my Korean grandparents who recently returned from their trip to Utah! It was so good to see them and spend time with them. They brought me tons of pictures of my house and family and their trip and gave them to me. They are such amazing people! After P-day we taught English class and that was our day.

Wednesday we had district meeting and then we spent a few hours during which I worked on organizing and going through all of the records in our house and Elder Hone called potential investigators. We also met with a new investigator named Sister Kim. She is 60 and had attended other churches for 30 years and went to church every single day to serve but she felt like nothing good ever came from it and "lost" her faith. She was a former investigator who we contacted. We plan to keep meeting with her and to try to help her to develop true faith in Christ.

Oh, by the way, it was raining all week cause of the typhoon but it wasn't actually that bad in Seoul. It was just pouring rain the whole week..

On Thursday we spent some more time with the records and I made some new binders full of former investigators reorganized alphebetically. They look pretty dang good. I'll send pictures of everything we did next week. Then we picked up another former investigator named Sister Park. She's in her 60's and is totally legit. She was a preacher for several huuuuuge churches. One being 여의도순복음 (Dad you're the only one who will know that one) and she got a PhD and everything. I'm convinced she's read every single book that was ever written. But she loves the missionaries. She kept switching churches because she realized that each one of them was apostate. She said that our church is the most true but that she feels that she has a different mission from God so she can't be baptized or join our church. But she wants to meet more with us and we are really excited to teach her. She has a huge binder at her house of all church material from our church, like pictures of prophets and temples and every kind of pamphlet or book. We're gonna continue to meet with her and try to get to the bottom of her story and what her mission is. (Dad I need your help with her if you have any kind of ideas on how to teach her or anything!!) After that we knocked some doors and tried to visit one of our investigators but he wasn't home.

Friday we went out to eat lunch with some of the members from a different ward, including 이창엽 who was a missionary in Daejeon when I was a little kid. It was fun to go out with all of them. After that we did weekly planning and then got stuff that we needed for organizing our house more and then contacted people.

Saturday morning we played soccer with several of the ward members from our stake. We got two referrals from one of our members there and we got way closer with all of the members. Then after that we met with a new investigator named Sister Hong. She's 24 and is a college student in our area. We met her through English flyering. She came to English class once and asked us for a Book of Mormon at the end of class and then we set up a time to meet with her each week. She's great! We had stake Conference last weekend so we attended the meetings on Saturday afternoon and saturday night and that was our day.

Sunday morning we had stake conference and it was way good. We had a guy we met on the street come and we taught him a short lesson and set up a time to meet him each Sunday. Then we had one of the guys we played soccer with come too and we need to set up an appointment to meet with him this week. Then after stake conference we did comp study and then headed out to go knock doors. The second door we got into there was a lady named Sister Jang and she let us in and gave us fruit and drinks. When she opened the door she asked us if we could speak Korean. After she realized that we kinda could she asked us what we were doing. We talked about the Book of Mormon and then she asked if we were selling them and we said they were free and then she let us in. She was kinda distracted while we were teaching but we got to introduce the message to her and then set up a return appointment! After that we went to the church and cleaned up in front of the church.. The college kids destroy the area in front of our church each week. It was covered with garbage and cigarettes and vodka bottles. Then we met with Sister Jee but this time she brought her boyfriend, so we took a step back and tried to get to know him and start teaching him a little but we are gonna have to take it a little slow because he has no religious background. It was a really great spiritual lesson though!

I gotta go now but I love you all!!!!!!!!!!

-Elder Rife

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